How to Create Printables in Photoshop Elements

Design gorgeous, professional printables people want to buy!


Start with the easy-to-follow video tutorials and start creating your very first beautiful printables.  

  • Binders
  • Coloring Sheets
  • Wall Art
  • Calendars
  • Gift Tags
  • Greeting Cards
  • Planners
  • Lettering Printables
  • Monogram Wall Art
  • Workbooks
  • Bookmarks
  • and more!

I am absolutely...EMPHATICALLY...IN LOVE...with printables. I cannot even tell you how a simple piece of paper has changed my life!!!

It's this whole new world you never knew existed.

Like once you're in, you are in this secret little cool club. A club you never wanna leave. Every time you come to the club, you feel ALIVE, ENERGIZED, PASSIONATE...yes, all because of a simple piece of paper!

It didn't start out for me falling in love with printables though. I had a designer and it was more about saving money than anything. She was making mistakes, so there was a lot of back and forth, and it was just so expensive to have her create them.

I got in the program and started figuring it out. Little by little, one thing at a time.

As I started creating boxes, shapes, patterns, overlaying text, and manipulating the documents to do what I wanted them to do, I felt in control.

It was like a high. Going into a world, knowing nothing about it and at the end of 30 minutes or an hour, you've won! You got the upper hand. You created this perfect masterpiece that no one else in the WORLD could create but YOU.

It's all your own. A design, that is so uniquely inherent to YOU.

Your thoughts.

Your inspirations.

Your beliefs and feelings.

All right there on the page.

You control your own little piece of the world.

Then, you release those beautiful masterpieces, like little birds, you send them out into the world.

And to your surprise, people love them. They start to get hooked. They can't get enough.

Suddenly, they are BEGGING for more! Asking you to create more and more and more designs that only YOU can do!

You feel special and unique. It's validation that people like you. They like your stuff.

You realize you're in love.

You're in love with creating something, with doing something that only YOU can do.

You're in love with helping others.

You're in love with bringing more beauty into the world. With inspiring others. Bringing beauty into THEIR lives.

You're just in love. You can't help it. And there's no going back. You can't leave this new world, this club now. It means so much to you.

The more you do it, the happier you are. The more FREE you feel, the more you're able to express yourself in a way that others understand. And people begin throwing MONEY at you.

Woah...hold the phone. Wait just a cottin' pickin' minute.

People will PAY me for this???

REALLY?! You serious!

It's the truth. I make FANTASTIC money in my Shopify store, yep, you guessed it, selling PRINTABLES!

Printables I create ONE time and they sell over and over and over and over again.

"I’m a seasoned designer with a Bachelor of Fine Art in Graphic Design, so I wasn’t sure if Sarah Titus’ How to Create Printables course would benefit me. However, I did not know how to create printables using Photoshop (Elements), so decided to sign up. I learned how to find the best graphics, several Photoshop (Elements) techniques, how to create coloring pages, and so much more. Sarah provides several templates that you can use to create your own printables such as gift tags, bookmarks, cards, planner layouts, and more. Within a few hours, I could create my own coloring page such as the one below."

 - Becky, shop.mombeach.com

I tell you, I have the best job in the world. Nothing else can ever compare to it. I get to be wholly and fully myself, bringing beauty to others, AND pay all my bills at the same time.

No more hurting for money as a single mom. No more telling my kids they can't have something at the store. No more fighting and busting my butt to earn an income on my own to make my family's life better.

If I want more income, I simply turn on my computer, create a new printable, put it in my Shopify store, and tell others I put it in there. It's amazing. It's one of the coolest things EVER.

It means SO much to me. This path that God brought me on. A path to create my dream and now teach others how to do the same thing. How to create printables and make a business out of it!

Ohhhhh you're gonna love it!

You're gonna fall in love with printables just as I did. I know you will.

But as the story goes, if you want to sell printables online, working in programs like Canva, Excel, Powerpoint, etc. just won't do.

Many of your customers have low-grade, basic printers and all your breathtakingly beautiful work will just come out blurry! E-gads!!!

"I would like to say thank you so much for making your 'How To Make Printables' class. I really think it will be a game changer for me. As a beginning blogger and not an artsy person, your course is changing how I think about my business. It is changing the way I view my work and my future projects. Your videos are super helpful to actually show how to build a project from start to end. They are invaluable! This course is packed full of little hints and ideas of how to view a project. I think you are truly a genius! Thank for for sharing your knowledge with me!"


Then they will get mad at you, spread the word, and never come back.

Before you even get your store OFF THE GROUND, you fail because you shot yourself in the foot.

While you can get away with low-quality programs if you're giving printables away for free, if you're wanting to make some serious money on printables and really get your creations into the hands of a lot of people and bring them joy, your printables need to be HIGH-QUALITY and professional, no exceptions!

Believe me, your customers WILL notice:

"I have to confess I was worried your How to Create Printables course was overpriced before I bought it... I was scared! But I'm diving in and I'm overwhelmed with all the information. Lol! It's worth every penny. Thanks for creating it. :)"


🎉 Join over 263,482 lives touched by Sarah Titus paid products!

"As a former Business Education teacher turned blogger, I can tell you Sarah has done a phenomenal job putting together her 'How To Create Printables' Course. It is professional, well-organized, and full of information. From the templates she provides to her easy to follow step by step videos, she makes creating printables simple and straightforward, even for newbies like me. The course is worth it for the templates and videos alone but Sarah didn't stop there. She covers everything from color inspiration to where to sell your printables and everything in between. And she even shares her favorite places to get graphics and fonts. Whether you're a newbie or a seasoned blogger, there's something in here for you. If you want to learn to make professional quality printables, this is the only course you'll ever need!"


I use Photoshop Elements. I tried my hand at Photoshop and Illustrator and they were too expensive (monthly recurring fees adds up quickly) and they were way too difficult for me to master quickly.

I needed something that I could get in and get out, giving me great-looking results with very little time learning new software.

Photoshop Elements is just a one-time fee and fit the bill perfectly in every way. I've been using it ever since!

When you first open Elements up, it can look scary...at least it did to me :) as I have very little technical skills. But after playing around in there for a while now, I've figured out a lot of cool, secret tricks!

Like how to make coloring pages and how to make text have white fuzzy cloud-like outline around it. Things that the pro's know but aren't telling! :) Things you have to go to graphic design school to learn and pay $33,480 for! No thanks!!!

There's SOOO much you can do in the program and I learn more and more every day.

This course is something so near and dear to my heart and will be updated constantly as I improve my skills.

But it's a course that's designed to be very little training time. Because no one has two years to learn a program!

I give tons of templates (78 total!! including the bonuses) and I walk you through, step-by-step, every little detail start to finish. There are 3.35 hours of tutorials recorded!

Most of the videos, I start out not knowing what I'm going to create (other than the type of printable) and we just go through it.

It's like you're sitting here in the room with me. Just hanging out like best friends do. I ask you questions, how would you design this....what would you pick...all through out. Really get you involved. <3

I know you're gonna love it! Because it's created with such a high amount of love.

I want you to succeed.

I want you to make money.

I want you to share your creativity and your talent with the world. I think you'll do great!

"I recently completed Sarah's "How To Create Printables" course and it was incredibly informative! Her amazing tips have helped me create my first wall art on Photoshop Elements in under 30 minutes! Did I tell you I was completely new to Photoshop? That's just how fantastic and empowering Sarah's course is! If you want to create gorgeous and practical printables for your blog readers, or even just as a hobby, you have to learn from this professional who totally knows her stuff!"

Faith, formommiesbymommy.com

So far on Shopify, I've made 8-figures to date (since 6/1/17). I started out with ONE product and now have 542 printables in my store. 

The cool thing is that once you're all set up, it basically runs itself. Since 2019, my store has been completely run 100% on autopilot passively.

I consistently make a high-dollar PASSIVE income now, each and every month.

People flood in from all over the world to buy my printables. They are hooked. This empire that I have, all starts with beautifully created, professional printables.

"I came to Sarah's course as a newer blogger hoping to learn how to create quality printables for my blog. But what I've learned from this course far exceeded my expectations! The amount of information packed into this course was so much more than I ever anticipated, and it was all laid out in simple, easy-to-manage steps. In addition to detailed text, the course also includes very detailed video sessions and even downloadable templates. Sarah's teaching style is very down-to-earth and her instructions are so easy to follow. She goes into a lot of detail explaining how to set yourself apart by taking certain important steps to ensure your printables are of the highest quality possible. She shares all her tips on where to find fonts and graphics for the best prices, how to deliver printables to your audience, what types of printables sell well, where to sell your printables, and so much more. I started this course with little knowledge of creating printables and have walked away with a wealth of knowledge and the confidence to launch my own printables shop! This course was invaluable to me and I highly recommend it to others who want to learn everything about creating high-quality printables."

Kristine Bessellsmartlivingmama.com

Now I bet you're wondering what else you'll learn, am I right?

What you'll learn:

  • How to create professional-looking printables people fall utterly in love with
  • What printables will sell and which ones to create and give for free (in order to get sales)
  • The how-to of putting together printables so you don't lose any quality of your work
  • Product creation techniques (30 templates to use, starting from scratch to the final product)
  • My favorite places to get fonts and graphics along with links to what I love, use, and have purchased
  • How to stay creative about new products and never run out of ideas
  • All the ins and outs of using Photoshop Elements so you can create gorgeous printables you're proud of

"When I decided I wanted to start a shop, I knew I wanted to sell printables! My readers loved my free printables, but I knew I needed to step up my game and learn how to make high quality printables that would set myself apart from the rest. Sarah’s course was exactly what I needed to learn how to make high quality, professional printables! There were so many things I wasn’t able to figure out on my own, like how to create coloring pages, and her course taught me exactly how to do that and so much more! Her course breaks the process down step by step and makes it so easy to learn! She shows you her exact process to create printables that will stand out in the crowd and sell!"

Lindsay Lawless, paperheartsplanners.com

Course Curriculum 

"When I was growing up, I didnĘ»t think I had a creative or art talent in me. When I tried, I was laughed at, and the items I drew were mistakingly identified, ie, a path for a tree. I was discouraged so much I just quit. My mother always had so much art talent, and I was amazed at what I had seen her do. I am sad that I didnĘ»t inherit some of that. This course was an eye opener for me. Sarah has videos on how she makes printables. So I gave it a try. How to Create Printables has given me so much more confidence in my designing abilities. That alone is worth the cost to me!

Not only that, but I have and am continuing to learn programs to help me learn more. I do have a creative side, and this program has helped me find it. Thank you, Sarah, thank you for believing, and sharing the wonderful talents you have with us. I am proud to say that I am well on my way to make and design my own printables. ItĘ»s so worth it, this course Ę»How to Create Printables.Ę» You will not be disappointed. It takes you to a different level in designing!"


Here's what you can do...you can make money online doing just about anything. I've been making money online for 25+ years. I was in high school when I started. It's CAKE to make money online, the REAL challenge is not hustling your butt off to do it.

I worked 80-120 hours a week for 3 years. Started drinking coffee just to keep up. Ended up in a wheelchair (started fainting and tore my tendon). I was a mess. Making money, yes. But hustling.

Wanting a better way, I started a Shopify store, something I could set up and run nearly passively. Sick and tired of the scams affiliate marketing companies pulled, it was time to make my OWN products.

In the past few years I've had my Shopify store, I've made 8 figures. I do not run any Facebook ads or do paid advertising.

And now...NOW, I work 9-10 hours a week (my assistants work 20 hours a week also) and I make a good chunk of money.

For me, it's not about the money. It never has been. My LIFE isn't about money! That's God's department to help me survive, not mine. 💕

It's been about getting my life BACK.

To stop hustling.

To stop working so much.

To set up an empire on AUTO-PILOT!!!!!!!

One that makes me money while I sleep, play with my kids, travel, or anything I want!

Something I'm passionate about and can create with my own hands so I'm not dependent upon anyone else.

Here's my question...

If you only had to work 10 hours a week (and money was taken care of completely so your husband could even quit his job), how would your life be different? What would you do with all that extra TIME? How different would your life be from now?


Frequently Asked Questions

"Sarah is unbelievable! I started looking into printables seriously a month ago. Until this course, I had no idea just how many different digital products one can make. This is hands down the most comprehensive printables course there is out there with step by step tutorials on how to make a wide range of items. What I love the most, is that printables are probably the easiest way to make money online while letting you use your creative energy in the process. Sarah is a genius and she's created a course that shows beginners how to make MANY different printable products, all in one place!"


"I have taken so many courses and webinars over the years-of all levels-I usually walk away thinking "that was really all stuff I already knew, I didn't really gain NEW knowledge". Your "How to Create Printables" course is not a lot of fluff, but a lot of new material!! I LOVE how you literally walk students through exactly your train of thought as you play with and alter each one. It was amazing to see you add, change and finalize each project. Each time-I kept thinking-that [printable] is so amazing!! And then, you changed it-improved it-in a way that I wasn't seeing as possible. Once I "sat" next you (via video) and had that experience-it changed the standard of how I want to create printables!! I can't wait until I can get the rest of this course completed!! This course truly is amazing!!"


"Your courses are the real deal!" 

- Shaneka 

Join over 263,482 lives touched by Sarah Titus paid products!


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How to Create Printables

One Payment of $997

Courses Included:

  • How to Create Printables -Photoshop Elements
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Courses Included ($3,491 value):

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Million Dollar Shop® Blogger Bundle

One Payment of $3,697

Courses Included ($10,667 value):

Bonuses 2-5 are only available in this bundle!!!

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