How to Make Money From Home

...on your terms, in your own way

As a single mom, our family is incredibly blessed. I get to stay home with my kids, work online, and be an encouragement to millions of other women. I’m literally living my dream life. But I wasn’t born into royalty and it didn’t come easy for me. In fact…

Several years ago, I was living in a homeless shelter and had $30k worth of debt.

My ex-husband was on his 3rd affair at the time and my kids and I had nothing except what I could pack into a small car. The shelter was dirty, people were always sick, the food was so old I wouldn’t serve it to a starving dog, and there were no windows. It seemed hopeless.

Every morning I was woken up at 6 am by a woman who said, "It was for my own good." I was without God, alone, and scared. Forget about making ends meet, meat wasn’t even a possibility. I had been a stay at home mom my entire kids lives. I thought to myself, “Now what?”

Have you ever seen the movie Labyrinth? Sarah says “Through dangers untold and hardships unnumbered, I have fought my way here to take back what you have stolen.”

I felt like everything in my life had been stolen. Tears. The life and marriage that I knew for more than a decade was gone. In an instant, my life was turned upside-down.

But God answered my prayers. He showed me what real love was, and I FOUGHT. I fought long and hard and strong. Every ounce of strength came from the Lord. I put one foot in front of the other and again and again and again. Each day I started anew, giving that day my all. I had no idea where I was going, but anywhere was better than where I was!

I fought my mom, who said I was just fooling myself and needed to get a quote unquote REAL job.

I fought my Pastor, who said I was being "irresponsible" for not wanting to work outside the home.

I fought my friends, who not one of them at the time believed in me or what I was trying to create.

I fought the judge and my lawyer in the divorce.

I fought the world.

As I stood there before the judge in my divorce hearing, he asked me why I didn’t have a job yet. I told him that I did!!! He asked what I did. I told him that I was selling on ebay and doing well and that I was starting a blog.

Wrong answer!

I’m not talking a little bit wrong. It was like the sun fell out of the sky, jaws drop, WRONG answer!!!

To put it mildly, he didn’t like that. Insisted that it was unstable work for my family. Told me point blank that if I didn’t get a job outside the home to provide for my little ones, I could forfeit tens of thousands of dollars in the divorce. He acted like I didn’t love my kids, because I wasn’t willing to put THEM first- because I wasn’t willing to leave them with a stranger all day long while I went out and worked a "REAL" job.

I get it. I have plenty of banking experience (10+ years). In my field, I’m pretty high to the top with a college education to boot. It’s not that I CAN’T work or get a job outside the home with a snap of my fingers. It’s not that I can’t make good, stable money working my tail off for someone else's dreams. It’s that I WANT TO BE HOME WITH MY KIDS!

The world doesn’t understand that!


…my ex-husband already did that, and that I believed in myself enough to know I could make money from home. Enough to squeak by at least. He asked how much I could make. I told him I thought I could make $1,000/month in profits.

He went on to ask me how long it would take to make that and I told him one year.

Give me one year and I will make $1,000/month from home, I said.

My lawyers, my Pastor, my friends, family, everyone in my life all told me to get a job. They BEGGED me. Well meaning people sure, but I knew in my heart I could make money from home. I knew they were all wrong.

Listen, today....

Today I stand before you as a single mom who has made 8-figures online. I'm gonna cry. I went from begging God to make $1k/month and now, my income is so incredible. I'm so thankful.

That's what a girl on fire to prove everyone wrong can do. That's what a girl with 25+ years combined experience making money online is wanting to TEACH YOU how to do.


Does it take sacrifice, yes, hard work, yes, a willingness to close off some friendships if they don't believe in you, maybe, but you CAN get there and I’m committed to showing you how in this course!!!

This is your stepping stone. You're FIRST STEP into making money from home ON YOUR TERMS!

Did you get that? Making money isn't just about making money. It's about doing it YOUR WAY, on your own terms, however YOU want to do it.

So where are you at in your journey?

  • Do you feel like the bills and walls are closing in on you?
  • Do you feel like you can’t seem to get anything to make the income you know you CAN make?
  • Do you feel stuck?
  • Like you’ve lost hope and you’re spiraling?
  • Maybe you feel like you should quit?
  • Maybe you don't even know where to START?

Don’t quit. You can do this! I’ve been there, and I’m excited to show you 23 years worth of experience making money online in a ton of different ways! So get ready, because you're life is about to change forever, the moment you step inside this course!!!!!

"I've been selling online for 17 years and this course has broadened my view. I'm currently looking at other platforms including Shopify to build multiple sources of income."

Stephanie H.


You'll learn things like...

Did you know that you can make $250-$300 simply picturing your own dinners?

I'm not kidding. You literally snap photos of your dinner and the process of you making it, give the recipe and sell it. BAM. You make $300!

Now maybe 300 bucks won't change your life but if you're making dinners every night and you're selling even 15 of those recipes a month, that's $4,500/month right there!

I mean, I'm not talking about chump change here.

Another great one is getting paid $10-$60 each time you go to a website and record a screenshot video and answer the question prompts they ask you about their site!

These are things ANYONE CAN DO!

And the truth is that there are 5 bazillion ways just LIKE THAT and I HAVE all those resources. I know all about them inside and out. BECAUSE I'VE DONE IT...for eons. :)

This course is designed to show you how EASY it is to make money from home!

You'll find the direction you should go, so you don't spend your time wasted going down the WRONG path!

It'll give you an overview of each topic along with actionable steps to get started down this path and when applicable, all the details of how I personally made money in that particular way.

🎉 Join over 263,482 lives touched by Sarah Titus paid products!

"I have been struggling with what to do from home that aligned with my passions. How to Make Money From Home has not only given me ideas and suggestions, but plenty of how-to's and tips on getting started and sustaining yourself while starting a business."


Course Curriculum

Did you see that whole ebay section? It's so awesome, right?! I'm teaching ALL my secret tricks that makes me sell my stuff EVERY SINGLE TIME!!!

If your ads aren't selling, you'll learn why.

If you've never sold on ebay, you'll learn how to rock sales and everything you need to do to place ads that actually get the money.

Here's what you can do...you can make money online doing just about anything. I've been making money online for 25+ years. I was in high school when I started. It's CAKE to make money online, the REAL challenge is not hustling your butt off to do it.

I worked 80-120 hours a week for 3 years. Started drinking coffee just to keep up. Ended up in a wheelchair (started fainting and tore my tendon). I was a mess. Making money, yes. But hustling.

Wanting a better way, I started a Shopify store, something I could set up and run nearly passively. Sick and tired of the scams affiliate marketing companies pulled, it was time to make my OWN products.

In the past few years I've had my Shopify store, I've made 8 figures. I do not run any Facebook ads or do paid advertising.

And now...NOW, I work 9-10 hours a week (my assistants work 20 hours a week also) and I make a good chunk of money.

For me, it's not about the money. It never has been. My LIFE isn't about money! That's God's department to help me survive, not mine. 💕

It's been about getting my life BACK.

To stop hustling.

To stop working so much.

To set up an empire on AUTO-PILOT!!!!!!!

One that makes me money while I sleep, play with my kids, travel, or anything I want!

Something I'm passionate about and can create with my own hands so I'm not dependent upon anyone else.

Here's my question...

If you only had to work 10 hours a week (and money was taken care of completely so your husband could even quit his job), how would your life be different? What would you do with all that extra TIME? How different would your life be from now?

"I see myself having more direction after using the information & skills that Sarah has created. I’m always excited about information that I have gained from her."


"Some other courses I have taken from other people have not been what I expected but you are in a class all by yourself!"


Frequently Asked Questions

"My absolute favorite was the Shopify section. I’ve been on fire ever since I read that part and then got your advice! I’m sooo close to launching. Taking pictures of meals was another mind blower!"


 Join over 263,482 lives touched by Sarah Titus paid products!


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How to Make Money From Home

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  • How to Make Money From Home
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